Love, Joy, Peace...

[Leadership Developement] Tae Yoon grew up in a Christian family. He started serving as a youth teacher for 7 years before he became a youth pastor. Ever since he became a youth pastor, he has been seeking God’s wisdom to solve the problem that the majority of teens from youth groups stop going to church once they go to college. After many years of searching and trying many ministry models, he has found the Shepherdship Ministry (House church) model. With great success, fighting the bad statistics, he has been training and teaching many pastors and church leaders how to use the ministry model effectively at their churches. At Calvary UMC, he is serving as a director in church leadership, training and mentoring brothers and sisters in Christ as well as installing the shepherdship ministry at the church. 

[Youth Ministry] Samuel Sanghyeon Jin was born into a Christian family in Korea. During his youth, he faced difficulties at school, including being bullied. However, this experience led him to seek and build a strong relationship with God. Despite the challenges at school, he found joy and solace in his church community, where his faith provided him with true comfort and peace that he couldn't find among his school friends.Eventually, he felt God's calling to comfort those going through difficult times, and upon moving to the U.S., he decided to attend seminary. Sam graduated from the Pacific School of Religion (PSR) in Berkeley, earning a Master of Divinity (M.Div.). He then served as the Children's Ministry (CM) director at Calvary UMC. Recently, he transitioned to the role of Youth Ministry (YM) director, feeling a stronger connection with youth students. Sam enjoys singing and married Joy Ju in 2024. While he serves in youth ministry, his wife serves in children's ministry.

[Children Ministry] Joy Gippeum Ju was born into a pastor's family. Her parents are currently doing missionary work in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and she has two younger brothers who are also involved in worship ministry. When she was 10 years old, she received God's calling to deliver the gospel to children. While studying special education at university, she was selected for a full scholarship in a missionary English language program in New Zealand, where she participated in missionary activities for six months. After graduating, Joy lived in China and Vietnam, teaching Korean classes to support her parents' mission work. She studied theology in English at AIGS (International Graduate School at Acts University in Korea). Joy happily married Samuel Jin and moved to the U.S., where she now serves in the children’s ministry at Calvary UMC. Her mission is to instill Christian values in children and help them develop their identity as children of God's kingdom.

[Care Ministry] Mira Cho graduated from the Department of Theology at Nazarene University in 1993. She further pursued her studies and completed her Master of Arts at the American Baptist Theological Seminary in 1999. Mira served in full-time ministry from 2000 to 2012. Currently, she is the co-Children’s Ministry (CM) Director with Joy Ju, where she continues to make significant contributions to her community through her dedicated service and leadership.