Love, Joy, Peace...
What We Believe 

About God
God is the Creator and our heavenly Father. He exists eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who are all equal and together form one God.

About Humanity
Humans are created in God's image, meant to grow in connection with Him and become part of His family. Despite our potential for good, we are flawed by sin, an attitude of disobedience that separates us from God.

About Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the Messiah and the Son of the living God. He is the world’s only Savior, living a sinless life and sacrificing Himself on the cross for humanity's sins. He rose from the dead after three days, showing His victory over sin and death, and ascended to heaven. He will return to rule as the ultimate King.

About Salvation
Salvation is a gift from God that we cannot earn through good deeds or self-effort. It is only through faith in Jesus Christ as God’s provision for forgiveness that we can be saved from the penalty of sin. Eternal life begins when we accept Jesus by faith.

About The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit, equal with the Father and the Son, is active in the world, revealing to people their need for Jesus. He lives in every believer from the moment they are saved, providing power, understanding, and guidance for righteous living.

About The Bible
The Bible is God’s message to humanity, written by human authors under the Holy Spirit’s guidance. It is the ultimate authority on Christian beliefs and practices, free from error because it is divinely inspired.

About Marriage
Marriage and sexual intimacy are God-given gifts to be honored for His glory. God designed marriage to be a lifelong union between one man and one woman, who are biologically male and female from birth. Any sexual activity outside of this biblical covenant is sinful and not blessed by God. Singleness is also a gift from God and can be His calling for a person’s life.